Marco Fantini

Marco Fantini was born in 1965 in Vicenza, Italy. In 1983 he attended the Faculty of Architecture at
University of Venice following Italo Zannier’s photography courses among others. Influenced by Diane
Arbus’ works he started a personal research concentrating on themes of diversity and alienation. In 1989
Marco Fantini travelled to Mexico where he spent 2 years working in Enrique Norten’s architectural studio,
and studying Mexican muralist painting. His first oil paintings date back to this period. In the latest years he
has worked also in video installation and sculpture projects.
Lives and work in Milano.

Main exhibitions

Miomao Gallery, Perugia, “ Hasta la Muerte”, curated by Alberto Zanchetta
54. Biennale di Venezia ‐ Padiglione Veneto
Piazzola Sul Brenta ‐ dal 21 giugno al 21 novembre 2011
Museo civico di Bassano del Grappa, ‘’ Vulpes Plinum Mutare’’, curated by Carolina Lio
Giardino storico di Palazzo Soranzo Cappello, Venezia, “Un Giardino Incantato”, curated by
Elisabeth Sarah Gluckstein
Museo di Castel Sant’Elmo, Napoli, “Antilogia”, curated by Marco Vallora (one man show)
Promenade Gallery, Valona, (Albany), “The Berlin Wall”, curated by Artan Shabani
Ospedale Degli Innocenti, Firenze, (Italy) “T.R.I.P to Heaven”, curated by Maria Chiara Valacchi